Poetry, Music, Literature, and a couple of
drinks...that's what I'm talking about...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

As of June 16, 2008, 4,101 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq since the war began on March 19, 2003, and at least 30,000 have been wounded. Last year, USA Today claimed that of those who’ve lost their lives in the war, one in six were too young to buy a beer. About two dozen were old enough for an AARP card. Eleven died on Thanksgiving Day, 11 on Christmas, and at least five on their birthdays. One percent were named Smith.

Unfortunately, coverage of the war in Iraq has declined precipitously, to about one-fifth of what it was last summer, according to the Project for Excellence in Journalism. “Five years later, the United States remains at war in Iraq, but there are days when it would be hard to tell from a quick look at television news, newspapers and the Internet,” Richard Perez-Pena writes in today’s New York Times. “Iraq accounted for 18 percent of [broadcast television networks] prominent news coverage in the first nine months of 2007, but only 9 percent in the following three months, and 3 percent so far this year,” Perez-Pena notes, citing figures from PEJ.

The Fallacies of War

Ad Hominem. Against the man
and why not, he started it?
Ad Hominem Tu Quoque. He is false.
Most people are.
Appeal to Authority. Misuse of Politics
fascinates the opiated masses.
Appeal to Belief. God must exist
ask most people.
Appeal to Common Practice. We’re in a hurry.
Speeding isn’t that wrong.
Appeal to Emotion. I love you
when you wear nothing underneath.
Appeal to Fear. If you do
you’ll go to hell.
Appeal to Flattery. You may have
a singularly brilliant idea there.
Appeal to Novelty. You’re so yesterday
I’m new and improved.
Appeal to Pity. I need this job,
I’m a Jew.
Appeal to Popularity. As you know
these are dangerous times.
I have in my office thousands of letters from people
who heartily endorse killing you.
Appeal to Ridicule. Those tree huggers think
my Hummer is melting their ice.
Appeal to Spite. You never
did anything for me.
Appeal to Tradition. Of course I’m right,
it’s in the Constitution.
Get on the Bandwagon. If your friends
bash gay marriage, avoid the ridicule.
Begging the Question. Since pigs don’t vote
God must mean for us to fight.
Biased Sample. Our polls show 90%
blame Iraq and believe TV.
Burdon of Proof. Torture for truth
but destroy the tapes.
Circumstantial ad Hominem. Just ignore his child abuse
views, he’s a priest for Christ’s sake.
Composition. Atoms are colorless. You are made of atoms.
You are colorless.
False Dilemma. You must accept
the Patriot Act or live in fear.
Gambler's Fallacy. He’s been wrong so long
He’s bound to get something right.
Genetic Fallacy. His father was a fuck up.
Guilt by Association. Cheney
and Satan, well…, the friends you keep.
Hasty Generalization. Those sexist pigs
all hate your big fat ass.
Personal Attack. You’re a known
lesbian feminist, what could you possibly have to say?
Poisoning the Well. Don't listen to me,
I’m a liar.
Red Herring. If you want peace
we’ll need to kill these people.
Slippery Slope. First, it’s just a few troops.
Next, let’s burn some books.
Straw Man. You don’t believe we should be in Iraq?
How could you want us so defenseless?
Two Wrongs Make a Right. Rights? I’ll take yours.
You would’ve taken mine.

- m.r.kidd

Masters Of War (mp3) Bob Dylan

River In Reverse (mp3) Elvis Costello

How Long (mp3) Keeny White

Girl In The War (mp3) Josh Ritter

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